IV Clinic Pricing 3/27/22


Ultimate Hydration

IV 15 minute drip time

0.45% NaCl-Ascordbic Acid -Calcium Gluconate -Magnesium Sulfate -Potassium Chloride -NABicarbonate -Hydroxocobalamin B12 -Pyridoxine-Hydrochloride B6-Dexpanthenol B5-Vitamin B-Complex 100 (Thiamine 100mg, Riboflavin 5 po4 Na 2mg, Pyridoxin HCL 2mg)-Turine-Zinc


Peak Athletic Performance & Recovery

IV 1-1.5hours drip time

0.45% NaCl-Ascordbic Acid -Calcium Gluconate -Magnesium Sulfate -Potassium Chloride -NABicarbonate -Hydroxocobalamin B12 -Pyridoxine Hydrochloride B6 -Dexpanthenol B5 -Vitamin B-Complex 100 (Thiamine 100mg, Riboflavin 5 po4 Na 2mg, Pyridoxin HCL 2mg)-Turine -Zinc


Vitamin B12 Injection -Add on


Glutahione IV

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What Are the Benefits of a Vitamin B12 Injection?

1. Balance or Increase in Your Metabolism

2. Prevent Anemia by Increasing Red Blood Cells

3. Keep Your Brain Healthy

4. Benefit Your Mood

5. Benefit Your Unborn Baby

6. Support Healthy Bones and Prevent Osteoporosis

7. Get Healthy Hair, Nails, and Skin

Glutathione benefits:

1. Reduces oxidative stress

2. Improve psoriasis

3. Healthy Skin/reduced acne

4. Reduces cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

5.Improves insulin resistance

6. Increases mobility for people with peripheral artery disease

7. May help fight against autoimmune disease

8. May reduce oxidative damage

9. May reduce the impact of uncontrolled diabetes

10. May reduce respiratory disease symptoms