Dr. Ashley Contorno PT, DPT
Dr. Ashley Contorno PT, DPT is a board-certified Doctor of Physical Therapy and professional Powerlifter. Ranked #4 165lb lifter in the world, Dr. Ash is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to form and mechanics. Dr. Ash only offers 1-1 sessions to learn how to squat, bench or deadlift. One session per movement. To be the best, learn from the best.
Maire Brandon
Maire is a career athlete and fitness professional who brings over 40 years of experience to any gym or studio through a myriad of mediums. She is a mother of 5 grown children, whom she home schooled for twenty years while doing independent study in nutrition, exercise science, immunology and alternative medicine. Scottish born, moved to America early on, grew up in Illinois, moved to LA in 2005 to continue her health and fitness career in a more conducive environment. Maire is a natural pro bodybuilder who has helped coach athletes from all different backgrounds and ages throughout the years.
Max Valdez
Max is an ISSA Certified personal trainer. He is focused on helping you set your goals and then smash them. Max sees all types of clients, he has many years experience as a trainer. He specializes in compound movements, strength training, free weights and building muscle. From novice to elite, you are in good hands with MAX OUT MAX!
Tony Gonzalez
Tony has always been involved in sports, with Powerlifting being his focus for the last 5 years. His passion for mechanics and motorpatterns in Baseball quickly adapted into Powerlifting and Strength sports as a whole. Tony founded Power Tiger Athletics in 2021, and has helped multiple clients across different weight classes take home first place at meets, place on the podium at Nationals, and even a Best Lifter Award! Tony strongly believes that seeing progress through the barbell and achieving your strength goals gives you a newfound confidence in yourself! Tony’s coaching services specialize in Powerlifting as well as General Strength Training, where he offers remote coaching as well as 1 on 1 private training sessions. You can contact him through Instagram @TonyThePowerTiger28 or (323)-394-3122
Gwendolyn Evelyn
Gwen is a former 2019 Bikini World Champion with the World Fitness Federation (WFF) and is currently a top 5 nationally ranked Wellness Division competitor with the National Physique Committee (NPC). She has been successfully training clients since 2017, and specializes in body transformation, bodybuilding, nutrition, weight loss, competition prep, and competition posing. Gwendolyn also offers online coaching and customized meal plans that are individually tailored to your personal goals. She currently has clients that range from beginners to advanced bodybuilding professionals and is always eager to work with new clients to help them reach their fitness goals.